Behind every door at Clarendale Arcadia, a distinctive story unfolds. This season, our residents are opening their apartments to share their boldly personal takes on holiday décor – each space a reflection of vibrant lives and cherished traditions. From minimalist elegance to maximalist joy, these thoughtfully curated homes showcase the authentic, independent spirit that defines our community.
Tour uniquely decorated resident apartments while experiencing the vibrant lifestyle at Clarendale Arcadia. Mingle with our welcoming community of residents and team members as you savor festive cocktails and seasonal hors d’oeuvres.
To RSVP, call 480-745-1688 or email us at [email protected].
Saturday, December 7
2 – 4 p.m.
Clarendale Arcadia
3233 East Camelback Road l Phoenix
Space is limited! RSVP by December 4 to save your spot.
Call 480-745-1688 or email: [email protected] to RSVP.